Have you ever felt the desire of having all the necessary information of your business saved on your device instead of browsing it over internet? That’s when you need to switch your business from a web application to a mobile app. Even if your internet is not working, you can still access all the information from your device.

Many industries efficiently work with web apps, and many cannot survive without mobile apps.
To which industry do you belong?

My title says, “construction management.” So today let me talk about the construction industry, their current scenario, and the key to get more productive with handy solutions.

Be it Bechtel Group Inc. from San Francisco, Chicago Bridge & Iron Company from Texas or Turner Construction from New York City, every leading construction business are working efficiently with the help of multiple web management system. But do you know that all these leading brands are shifting their working style from web apps to mobile apps?

Businesses Are Switching from Manual Processes to Construction Management Mobile Apps

Surprised? Construction mobile apps like Co-construct, Plangrid, Procore are running successfully within several construction companies with thousands of app store and play store downloads. There are more such apps which are adopted by business owners every day. According to a survey by Go canvas, 36% of construction firms use 5 or more mobile business apps to complete projects. I am sure you would be more surprised to know that Businesses are accumulating money switching their manual processes to mobile apps – Of those following their cost savings. 81% indicated cost savings between $1,000-$25,000, while 17% saved between $25,000-$100,000 annually shifting to mobile apps.

“Tech will transform from something we actively use to a more seamless integrated experience that is ‘on’ all the time.”
Daniel Bæk, Co-founder of Nodes

Construction workers shifting from web app to mobile app

The issue of web app VS mobile app is one of the hottest topics of debate in almost every industry for many years. Web apps have played a significant role in the construction industry since the industry adopted tech. While the web has improved the construction process, implementation of tech should be a part of a broader strategic platform. According to World Economic Forum, “Wherever the new technologies have properly supported the industry, the outlook is an almost 20 percent reduction in total life cycle costs of a project, as well as substantial improvements in completion time, quality, and safety.”

Construction Management Mobile Apps in Power

Above all, the most widely adopted of all new technologies are mobile devices. The easy-to-use apps allow workers to share, access and document important project information while they are on the job site. It is trusted that the future of mobile will be to manage with devices entirely. Producers of building materials are continually looking options to digitize their process of production and distribution. And on the other side, the construction industry is determined to digitize their construction, planning, and logistics.

So now imagine having a mobile app for your daily on-site activities. A mobile app can manage your projects, employees, financials, assets, employee/customer communications, and schedules. You can also keep track of your everything while on-the-go! What’s the best part? It’s handy. When you always go right, your software should go with you too!

If you are also willing to get started with a custom mobile app based on your specific needs, you can get in touch with TechAhead. TechAhead has built various construction management and field automation apps and is leading the industry by providing multiple benefits to its clients.

If you are looking for an expert team to develop your next construction app, you can get in touch here or drop an email at [email protected].

Also, we are doing a short survey of construction businesses. Your feedback will help us to evaluate your needs for technology to make your business more productive. Take the survey here.