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TechAhead placed News
on fast lane for DailyHunt with
advanced tech innovations

  • Client: Daily Hunt
  • Industry: News & Media
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India’s No.1 language-specific app

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TechAhead partnered with the leading news aggregator app: DailyHunt to
design, launch & optimize their mobile app, and empowered them to deliver
customized and tailor-made news content for 300 million users daily.

TechAhead developed a robust, intelligent and highly
user-friendly news app for DailyHunt, that transformed
the way news is consumed today

About DailyHunt

DailyHunt is one of the leading news aggregators and news delivery platforms in India, with more than
10 years of experience. They deliver fully customized, and personalized news stories in 14 languages
to 300 million+ users, via 100,000+ stories shared on their platform daily. They collaborated with
TechAhead to unleash a game-changing strategy to deliver news stories.


DailyHunt’s expectations from us

When DailyHunt approached us, they were scaling up fast, and their news stories
were being liked by a huge section of their users. However, the problem that they
were facing was scalability and customized news for different users.


Scaling news app to millions of users

One of the biggest problems that DailyHunt faced was that of scalability. They
were basically a news aggregator app, and they wanted more and more users to
consume content from their platform.


Customized & personalized stories

Another big issue was delivering customized news stories to different users, based on
several factors and criteria. Delivering such personalized and tailor-made news stories
to different demographics of users was their biggest pain point.


Leveraging technology for better results

They wanted to leverage technology to unleash a news content revolution in the industry.
Besides developing personalized news stories and delivering to a huge section of the
audience, they wanted to optimally utilize technology to curate better news,
deliver them faster, and understand their users deeply.

DailyHunt App

Our secret recipe

This project required a deep understanding of consumer behavior when it
comes to news and current affairs. We did a thorough research of the audience,
brainstormed ideas with DailyHunt, and then came up with a spellbinding news
app that triggered more engagement, more action, and more popularity.


Deploying advanced technology for customized news

We developed a highly advanced and complex platform Cloud technologies that empowered
DailyHunt to deliver fully customized and personalized news stories to 300 million+ users,
every single day. This involved a deep understanding of how news media worked, the pain
points of their target audience, and their preferences and likings, being analyzed in real-time.


Intuitive, human-centric design

More than 100,000 stories were being published every day on DailyHunt, across a wide
spectrum of categories. Our creative designers and UX experts from Los Angeles designed
and deployed an intuitive, human-centric design for this news app, that enabled their
users to access a huge repository of content seamlessly.


Rapid scaling for 300 million users, 14 languages

Deploying some of the most advanced Cloud-based technologies and powerful servers,
we enabled DailyHunt to expand to 300 million+ users, across 14 languages supporting
100,000+ stories daily. It was a monumental task to optimally manage and categorize so
much data being generated in real-time, but our laser-sharp programmers
ensured that DailyHunt became what it is today.

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By deploying state-of-the-art, powerful technology, along with a human-centric approach
to designing, we empowered DailyHunt to scale fast, grow rapidly, and serve curated and
customized news stories to 300 million+ users daily. In short, we changed the way news
is being consumed on mobile, and this was a game-changing moment for us.

We can help
you right away!

Seeking expert guidance and mentorship for launching your mobile app idea or
revamping your existing app to trigger more growth?

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    Phone : +91 120 6039900

    Email : [email protected]