Facebook Pixel Tracking Image Reporting Management System for Construction Industry
Construction Daily Reports

We helped Construction
Workers save 60 mins daily
with this Mobile App

  • Client: Construction Daily Reports

  • Industry: Construction

Angular Angular
Node Js Node Js
Swift Swift
Android Studio Android Studio

We boosted productivity by 60 mins/day
for construction workers


Complaints, Ensured
zero error reporting


Less Hassles, Paperwork
eliminated completely


60 mins, We boosted
productivity by an hour

Construction Daily Reports

Construction Daily Reports

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The client asked us to create robust and scalable – web and mobile apps,
which can be used by every construction professional to simplify and automate
manual time logging processes, and manage projects efficiently.

Construction hours monitoring and reporting
process has been revolutionized with CDR, which
provides an easy-to-use, simple and seamless
interface for logging work hours

3 main problems which CDR wanted to vanish

In the construction industry, time is money. CDR wanted its employees to be
productive, accountable and comfortable to log in their production hours, and induce
transparency in the overall working conditions. They were facing three
main problems that they wanted to vanish.

Construction Daily Reports

Hassle-free system to log production hours

First and foremost, CDR wanted their employees to use and manage a hassle-free reporting
platform for logging their productive hours. A comprehensive system that replaced manual
project logging sheets and introduced a mobile-based tech-enabled system for the same.


Make employees more productive

As CDR observed, construction employees wasted a lot of time to manually input the
productive hours via manual system. Hence, they wanted a mobile app that helped the
employees to remain productive, and ensure that the hours logged are accurate.


Branded reporting platform

Finally, CDR wished for a branded reporting platform for their construction employees. Since
they had running projects across several sites, a branded reporting platform meant that they
are able to track and monitor the productive hours of their employees (contractual and full
time) on a consistent based paperwork by 90%.

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  • Axa Service Details
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Our secret recipe

We transformed the manual process of logging construction hours, reporting and
managing construction projects into a scalable, robust and minimalistic mobile and
digital platform. With a human-centric philosophy, we created a simple, and easy to
use interface that can be widely adopted in the construction industry.


Simple, clean user interface

We designed a simple, clutter-free user interface since most of the construction workers are
not tech-savvy. By deploying an easy to use interface, we ensured maximum engagement.


A boost for productivity

We automated most of the tasks, enhanced reporting and deployed an intuitive design that
helped construction workers to save 60 minutes per day. We reduced paperwork by 90%.


Futuristic dashboard, power-loaded

Using CDR, construction companies can create customized, futuristic dashboards that
can be customized based on the construction team, their preferred colors and more.
Managers can also create brand app screens for their teams.

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With more productivity, more automation and a
minimalistic design, we ensured that real estate contractors
are able to generate more ROI from their business.

We can help
you right away!

Seeking expert guidance and mentorship for launching your mobile app idea or
revamping your existing app to trigger more growth?

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      Phone : +91 120 6039900

      Email : [email protected]


      Phone : +91 120 6039900

      Email : [email protected]