When it comes to app industry, it is certainly impossible to rely upon the older technologies & developmental tools. Since choice and preferences of common masses are going through rapid changes because of latest gadgets. The new development technologies and other trends, the role of innovation and the adoption of latest trends has become quite an important part of corporate culture.

With every passing year, app developers are able to take advantage of technology which is more advanced than in the past by creating innovative and amazing apps. The biggest benefactor of which are end users considering the value it has added to everyday life, education, entertainment quotient and improving business productivity.

The past couple of years has been very important in terms of innovations in the world of mobile. The app development sector in particular, is heading towards a great transformation due to various advanced trends. Let us take a look for such trends, which will keep mobile app developers busy in 2016 & beyond.

6 Mobile Application Development Trends

1) User Experience
Creating mobile user experience is a very important thing that delight users to rethink about what limitation of desktop design. There are various components that shape the mobile user experience including functionality of app, context used in it, content etc. Developers and designers are now focusing on how to improve the individual elements that together create the best mobile user experience.

2) Wearables are Growing
The wearables market exploded in 2014, recording a 700 percent year-over-year increase. Analysts from investment bank Piper Jaffray expect wearable shipments to grow from 21 million units in 2014 to 150 million units in 2019, with a total target market of 1.08 billion people worldwide. The future of wearables isn’t just about making mobile apps available on a different screen. It provides developers an opportunity to deliver new solutions in a completely unique way, and solve problems that can’t be solved in any other form. With the launch of Apple Watch Series 2, and other companies coming out with better hardware, wearables are going to be a hot development trend.

3) Apps for Internet of Things
According to the networking giant Cisco, by 2020, there will be 50 billion connected devices. Also, as per IDC, the global spending on IoT devices will reach $1.7 trillion by 2020. Internet of Things (IoT) depends on a large number of various devices which are equipped with sensors that can transmit multiple kinds of data through WiFi. So, wearable technology has already become a billion-dollar industry and it is expected to grow even more in the coming years.

4) Increased Emphasis on Security
Gartner’s report in 2014 revealed that 4/5 mobile app would fail on short security tests. This issue, may be, came as startling to which designers have buckled down on tending to this year and looking ahead. This primary center will get over the end in 2016 too. With applications on the ascent which stores important data, for example, details of credit cards and other legal and crucial data, developers can’t stand to let free and disregard the security concerns in their applications amid the development and phase of deployment. With Apple and other companies forcing more secure apps, security is going to be an important trend for mobile app developers.

5) M-Commerce becoming stronger
Experts believe, the m-commerce would continue being in fashion till at-least coming 4 years. The more customers get smart devices the greater boost m-commerce shall get. These days, instead of using bank cards, considerable number of people is inclining towards making purchases through Google wallet and Apple Pay. This is giving a push to m-commerce.

6) Tablets and Cross-Platform Mobile App Development
While tablet sales are slipping, the devices remain popular in the enterprise. They are used by mobile workers like emergency responders, service technicians and energy/utility engineers. Their continued popularity in the workplace will lead to increased demand for cross-platform mobile solutions. This will help mobile workers transition back and forth between a desktop environment and mobile devices.

These according to us are going to be mobile app development trends. What is the latest trend in mobile application development services according to you? Do let us know in the comments section below.

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