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234 Audio

Local Stories for Local Good: An on-demand audio platform for Nigerian voices. Share local stories and celebrate diversity.

234 Audio

Created an on-demand audio platform
specifically for Nigerians which supports
audiobooks and podcasts written
by Nigerians

234 Audio

234 Audio is an on-demand audio platform for the distribution of audiobooks and
podcasts. It is designed specifically to serve the entertainment and information needs
of local Nigerians and Nigerians abroad. Listen anywhere, anytime – at work,
at the gym and on weekend road trips

234 Audio

Technology Stack.

What we did.

We created end to end Web / Mobile Audio Application platform for Nigerians
writers and listeners. Users can purchase audiobooks by paying one-time fee or go
for monthly, yearly subscriptions and get unlimited access to unlimited podcasts.
We developed website, admin panel, android app, and iOS app for 234Audio.

234 Audio Chapters
234 Audio Episodes
Rate and Review
Music Options

Low Internet Bandwidth
We have a solution

Many parts of the world especially Africa face low
internet bandwidth. We designed the application
keeping low broadband connectivity in mind.
Users can even listen to the audiobooks and
podcasts even without the access to the
internet once downloaded.

234 Audio Episodes

Unauthorized Duplication of
Copyright content

Users can download audiobooks and podcasts which
they can listen later without internet access which may lead
to unauthorized duplication of the content. We encrypted
Audiobooks, and Podcasts with our proprietary technology
using 128 AES encryption so that audio files cannot be
shared with other devices.


Set Your Own Price

We provided admin panel to super admin and
authors to manage content and set their own price.
We also provided easy to use interface to super
admins to manage users, authors, content
and subscription.

234 audio website



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wisdom to the next generation




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“Aim High! Let’s Fly!”


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    Phone : +91 120 6039900

    Email : [email protected]


    Phone : +91 120 6039900

    Email : [email protected]